

Welcome to my blog. This is where I document my adventures as a 20-something. Hope you enjoy!



Katelyn Now | Free People
Katelyn Now | Free People
Katelyn Now | Free People
Katelyn Now | Free People
Katelyn Now | Free People

I don’t recall loving a year more than 2016. And I promise you that’s not at all meant to sound like a brag because there were plenty of moments of fear and uncertainty, but new scenery tends to heighten your senses and allow for some serious growth. If you’ve been following for a while, you know that on January 1st, 2016 I left my home state of Wisconsin to live with my brother and his girlfriend for an undecided amount of time. On that drive down I made a list of vague goals for my time in Florida. Things like “find peace and clarity” and “figure out what you want to do with your life.” Alright that last one is a ridiculous task and sheesh when did I become such a hippie?

The year has been sort of like an unintended sabbatical from reality and because of that I was able to discover more “clarity” (whatever that really means) and intention than I even anticipated. Ironically, a big part of that “clarity” hasn’t shown up in the form of definite and solid life plans, but more so in taking comfort in knowing that wherever I am right now is perfectly fine and probably much better than if I was living my life according to some elusive timeline. It’s having goals, but being flexible and patient – which is still so much easier said than done.

I’ve found “clarity” by shedding the voices in my head telling me how I should be spending my days and replacing them with thoughts about the person I want to be. “Like what kind of vibes are you putting out into this world Katelyn?” – hippie me. Ask yourself that and it just might change your perspective on how you’re living day to day. Or at least wake yourself up out of one of those robotic, going-through-the-motions ruts we all get into from time to time.

Because it’s the end of the year and the start of 365 more days of adventure, I have to also reflect on how much connection I have felt with you guys! A new year in a new state allowed me to find friends in my readers, books, vlogs, and few great people in my new town. If you engage and interact with my blog/social media, please know that I recognize you and appreciate every word of support and encouragement to keep sharing my journey through my 20s. And if you read a lot of my posts, but never comment that’s cool too, but don’t be shy! I feel like I’ve got a little fam on here and I want you to be a part of it <3

All American Girl

All American Girl

All White Everything

All White Everything