

Welcome to my blog. This is where I document my adventures as a 20-something. Hope you enjoy!

Key West

Key West

Key West | Key West Hotels | What to do in Key West | Katelyn Now
Key West | Key West Hotels | What to do in Key West | Katelyn Now
Key West | Key West Hotels | What to do in Key West | Katelyn Now
Key West | Key West Hotels | What to do in Key West | Katelyn Now
Katelyn Now | Key West | Urban Outfitters

I think the messy hair and no makeup in these photos say it all; my tiny adventure to Key West a while back was well-spent. This little island was actually number one on my list of places to go while living in Florida. I’d visited Key West back when I was in high school and I think a part of me always knew I would return. The island has some undeniable charm that was bound to leave a lasting impression on a 16-year-old daydreamer.

So when my good friend from back home came to visit me, making the the 4.5 hour drive for a few days of exploring seemed much more fun than hanging around Naples. The evening she arrived we booked a hotel and left the next day! I think the spontaneity of it all is what made the few days so great. We stayed at the Parrot Key Resort which could've been a vacation in itself with it's 4 unique pools, private porches, and poolside food service. We felt right at home, but we were aching to see the sights which left little time for lounging (although we did hit up the pools before dinner our first evening and had fun doing an impromptu photo shoot once we saw how picturesque the property is).

Kim and I were lucky to experience the full spectrum of the island. We flip flopped between touristy activities and taking suggestions from the locals and I'm glad we did! On the drive down we talked about how we both wanted to tour the Hemingway House, get a photo at the Southernmost Point, and grab a drink at the famous Sloppy Joe's bar on Duval Street. Check, check, and check!

Just a few days was really all we needed to explore, refresh, and escape reality for awhile. It's one of the best memories I have from living in Florida and I'm so glad that we went!

Pics by my dear friend Kim.


Jane's Cafe

Jane's Cafe

