

Welcome to my blog. This is where I document my adventures as a 20-something. Hope you enjoy!

NYC | 2017

NYC | 2017


Tee (purchased in red as's a good one) | Pants | Shoes | Bag

I was ridiculously hesitant about wearing these pants when the order arrived. I tried them on, looked in the mirror and took them off again. I thought "who am I to be wearing such...well, big pants?" Then I remembered all of the iconic fashion moments that take place in NYC and how one of the best aspects of traveling is that you can kind of be anyone. This would be the time to take what felt like a style risk. The pants were coming along with me to New York. I rolled them up strategically and placed them in my suitcase. 

It reminded me that this is one of the parts of style I enjoy so much; forcing myself out of my comfort zone. And before you know it, taking those little style risks all add up to big confidence. I quickly came to find that not only are these pants big and bold, they're also EXTREMELY comfortable. Like sweatpants, but fancier, and now that I've broken them in I can't stop wearing them. Here's a pic of me giving my best ups in front of the Statue of Liberty in case you needed any more validation of their comfort level :)

NYC might just be my favorite place to go into full blown tourist mode. Yes, we did some fashion week things and ate a few trendy places (Links for resource: The Sosta, Egg Shop, Cha Cha Matcha, Alice's Tea Cup Chapter II, Rainbow Room), but when all is said and done I really adore doing the things that make NYC so classic and historic. We saw the Statue of Liberty and Ellis Island, walked Central Park, traveled via the subway, and passed through Times Square to shop on Fifth ave. And since I was only there for 4 days I left plenty more to see and do next time I return ;)

Pajama Sam

Pajama Sam

