

Welcome to my blog. This is where I document my adventures as a 20-something. Hope you enjoy!



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Dress | Shoes | Jacket | Bag

If Lizzie McGuire can be an outfit repeater and still go to Rome and make an Italian pop star fall in love with her then I'll gladly be one too. I've worn this exact outfit multiple times since I purchased this dress (only $30) a few weeks ago. It's cute and casual making it my ultimate go-to right now. The first time was when my parents came down to Chicago for the day. We had no real plans other than just showing them around my neighborhood and much to our surprise the day ended at the Private Bank Theater viewing the genius work of Lin-Manuel Miranda that is "Hamilton"! 

Pro tip for fellow Chicagoans: Every day tickets are auctioned off and if the winners don't claim their tickets they are released to the public at a discounted rate! We had no idea, but got lucky when we popped into the box office just to check :)

Another notable day I donned this outfit was on a stroll through Central Park during my trip to NYC! Our AirBnB was just blocks away and we grabbed a delicious (and picturesque) breakfast at Alice's Tea Cup Chapter II and then waltzed through the park talking about all of the iconic movie moments that have been shot there. <3 The rest of my NYC looks are on the way!

P.S. I really like this time of year for shopping, obviously because all the cozy pieces are out again, but also because some of my favorite shops have huge sales! Check out what's going on at Mixology and Shopbop right now if you're looking for some good deals.

NYC | 2017

NYC | 2017

Fossil x Zappos

Fossil x Zappos