

Welcome to my blog. This is where I document my adventures as a 20-something. Hope you enjoy!

Coffee Shop Guide: Milwaukee Area

Those of you who know me know that I am a coffee fanatic addict. It's rare for me to go more than a day or two without my coffee shop fix! I noticed that I base which cafe I am going to go to that day on a few different things including prices, atmosphere, and what I'm craving at the moment. So here's my coffee shop guide for some of my favorite locations in my area :) 

Milwaukee Coffee Shop GuideStone Creek Coffee:

Atmosphere: Of all of the coffee shops on my list, they by far have the coziest atmosphere (in my humble opinion). Most of them include a fireplace, the decor is usually rustic and always cozy feeling. They also have a great music selection that usually includes alternative and folk artists (think Mumford & Sons). Most of the songs I don’t know which is why I like it because it’s not as distracting to me and I learn new great artists. This is a perfect coffee shop for studying and my personal get s**t done hideout :)

Coffee/Food: Right off the bat I must say that their lattes are nothing special. Even with soy milk there is usually little flavor. However, I first tried their coffee at a coffee and chocolate pairing class and ever since then I’ve learned to drink it black...That says a lot about the amazing flavor of their coffee! There is also a small bakery area at these shops and they almost always have some yummy samples to try :)

Milwaukee Coffee Shop GuideColectivo Coffee Roasters:

Atmosphere: Busy, local, happiness. Those are the words that came to my mind when considering Colectivo's atmosphere. Their coffee shops have a comfortable, familiar feel even if you’ve never been there before. That’s probably due to the fact that people will go here to meet up with a friend or they’ll run into a friend when they are there. It is the ultimate place to go for a feeling of camaraderie. Plus they usually have great outdoor spaces at their shops which are ideal for killing time on a summer day.

Coffee/Food: I love Colectivo's food because most of their items are things that can only be found at their cafes, for example their falafel burger or my personal favorite the banana, walnut, chocolate chip muffin! Their coffee and lattes are flavorful and seriously perfect every. single. time! The only downfall about Colectivo is it's probably the most expensive of my favorite shops.

Milwaukee Coffee Shop GuideThe City Market:

Atmosphere: Picture Panera. Now picture a more local, cleaner, and less expensive version of Panera and you've got The City Market. This is a great place to go for a meeting or catching up with friends. Plus I'm a bit partial to this cafe because there's a location within walking distance from my house :)

Coffee/Food: While I've never had a bad latte or coffee from The City Market, I'm a bigger fan of their food. Perfectly priced salads and bakery items have me craving their menu almost every day. Their breakfast panini is a must-have!

Milwaukee Coffee Shop GuideBirdie's Cafe:

Atmosphere: My mom and I just discovered this cafe a few weeks ago and it immediately made my list of favorite coffee shops! The atmosphere here is creative, unique, and downright charming. I've (unfortunately) never been to Europe, but Birdie's decor has a european-inspired feel to it that I adore. I feel like every time you go there you will discover something new in the shop. I'm already dreaming of going back!

Coffee/Food: It's hard for me to give an accurate review of the food since I only tried two things (my mom and I split meals), but the food I did have was fabulous, healthy, and well-priced. Also, I had to observe the menu for a good 5 minutes before I made a decision because everything looked so delicious! They have a variety of vegan and gluten free items. For my coffee choice I opted for, my favorite, a honey soy latte which exceeded my expectations!



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