

Welcome to my blog. This is where I document my adventures as a 20-something. Hope you enjoy!

Polka Dots & Pale Blue

blue sweater and polka dot pants blue sweater and polka dot pants

blue sweater and polka dot pants

blue sweater and polka dot pants

blue sweater and polka dot pants

blue sweater and polka dot pants

Necklace : Lizzibeth | Sweater, Jeans, & Bag : Gap | Tank & Booties : Old Navy

Hiiii I'm back! I realize that it's been over a week since I've posted, but the past few days have been pretty crazy for me. I'm not sure if that's a good crazy or a bad crazy so I won't go into too much detail, although I'm sure it's a little of both. I also realized that the world will go on and no one will be deeply offended if I take a week hiatus from the blog, however if for some reason you do feel this way or that I have neglected you, feel free to shoot me an email. I like making internet friends ;)

Those of you who frequent my blog may be thinking "Really? You're wearing those boots again?" I am fully aware that I have sported these booties in practically every outfit post for Winter. But here in Wisconsin boots are the only option so it's important to find a pair that can make it through at least a little bit of snow without screwing up your whole outfit! This pair meets those very difficult to find qualities while being comfortable as well! Hooray for getting well over my money's worth on those babies.

I was going for an oversized, baggy look with this sweater when I purchased it (for about $11 on supersale!). Once I got it home I felt like it was making me look real frumpy. I solved this (first-world) problem by tucking it up a bit and adding a longer tank underneath. Voila! I still got the comfy-casual look that I was going for to begin with  :)

Happy hump day (thank God)!

Coffee Shop Guide: Milwaukee Area

Snowy Old World Wedding Inspiration

Snowy Old World Wedding Inspiration