

Welcome to my blog. This is where I document my adventures as a 20-something. Hope you enjoy!

My Happiness Adventure

Happiness Adventure

^  Pedicures and lattes with mom ^

Happiness Adventure

^ Board game day with some incredible people ^

Happiness Adventure

 ^ A neat and clean desk space ^

Happiness Adventure

 ^ Drinks with my man ^

 Some of you may have heard about the 100 Happy Days Challenge that's been going around on the internet for a while now. Well, being the happiness devotee that I am of course I signed up to do it pretty much immediately! The challenge is to take a picture each day of one thing that makes you happy. Then you can share each picture via social media platforms with the hashtag #100happydays or send it to Supposedly when you are finished with the challenge you get a little book with all of your 100 photos! Super cool right? Not really. I failed the challenge.

I was consistent for about a week or so and then I forget to send in some of the pics that I snapped, so I ended up sending a few at one time. But I wasn't sure if this was allowed? Was that cheating? I had no idea because honestly the rules aren't laid out very clearly on the site. I'll attribute this to the whole concept and site being fairly new, but I don't really know if that's even the case. Just trying to give the creators of this idea the benefit of the doubt! Then I had a day where a phone call was the happiest part of my day…soooo how do I take a picture of that? A few days later one of my favorite songs came on the radio that I hadn't heard in a long time and that was my happy moment! Once again, couldn't snap a picture of this! So I'll admit it, I gave up.

However, if you know me, I am kind of obsessed with the concept of being happy. So I found a simpler way for me to make this work. At the end of each day I just write down one thing that made me happy that day for 100 days. Same concept, better course of action ;) In addition to all of this, I just began reading the book "The Happiness Project." Literally, I began yesterday…just finished chapter 1. And let me tell you I am hooked! I can relate with the author on pretty much every level. I have SO much to be grateful and thankful for. No I'm not depressed, but I also don't feel like I am as happy as I could be.

The days go by too slow and the years go by too fast.

That's an idea that I can't get out of my head. Days shouldn't have to feel like they drag on and you're just waiting for that moment when you get to crawl into your bed. And years shouldn't pass by and leave us wishing we had accomplished more or done more with that time! I love how the author laid out all of her goals, broken down by each month of 1 year, that consist of things like being healthy, energizing, money, relationships. It's kind of like making a new years resolution, but instead for every month. It's awesome and I'll probably start my own "Happiness Project" when I finish the (already highly recommended) book :)

Anyway, I wanted to share these happiness adventures on the blog in case anyone out there is as obsessed with the notion of being happy as I am! Above are some photos I took during my 100 happy days challenge. If being super proactive about happiness isn't exactly your cup of tea, I still think it's important to at least think about something that made you happy each day. Being happy is kind of a vicious circle, the happier you are, the happier the people around you will be, and the happier the people around you are the happier you will be…boy that was weird to type out ha! But I'll leave you with that little thought to contemplate today.



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