

Welcome to my blog. This is where I document my adventures as a 20-something. Hope you enjoy!



Katelyn Now | Woodbury Lane

Cardigan : Woodbury Lane | Bag : Similar | Top : Similar | Jeans : Gap Tennies : Converse | Photo by Stills by Hernan

As you can see I don't have much to share today. Just one little snapshot from when I was exploring my new city with a new friend. However, I still wanted to share what's on my mind and that is the sad truth of how hard we are on ourselves. If you're anything like me, as soon as you start something new you want to be a professional at it. This has been the case for me with things like meditation, workouts, blogging, drinking more water, the list goes on. I think "gah I am failing at this," or "I'm not doing this right," and then I'm tempted to just quit. Which is silly, because the truth is everything takes practice. This whole thing called life takes a lot of practice and how freaking boring would it be if we were good at everything right away? Today I'm working extra hard on being more gentle to myself. Even that is going to take some practice. Next time you catch yourself on the verge of giving up, remind yourself that some effort is always better than none.




T-Shirt and Jeans

T-Shirt and Jeans