

Welcome to my blog. This is where I document my adventures as a 20-something. Hope you enjoy!

T-Shirt and Jeans

T-Shirt and Jeans

American Eagle Outfitters | Katelyn Now
American Eagle Outfitters | Katelyn Now

There’s a delicate balance to blogging that sits on the border of over-sharing and not being personal enough. People want to be able to relate to you, but if you're going through a tough time they don’t want you to be a Debbie Downer, and if you’re happy they don’t want to see your highlight reel flashily displayed before their eyes. Here’s the thing, since I moved I’ve been pretty darn happy and I’m sure my Instagram feed is a sign of that. But the weeks leading up to my decision to move were filled with intense anxiety. I’ve written about anxiety before, but this was different, and worse. I wasn’t getting much sleep and when I did I would wake up in a panic. There was a week where I had completely lost my appetite and survived on half a bowl of cereal a day. There were days where I felt nauseous and dizzy and had a hard time catching my breath. I wanted to share about this today because I know I’m not the only one who has experienced it. Also because I’ve gone from crippling anxiety to almost none in the course of a few weeks. Sure, the vitamin D doesn’t hurt, but here’s what I’ve learned in my process.

American Eagle Outfitters | Katelyn Now
American Eagle Outfitters | Katelyn Now

Jacket : Aeropostale | Tee : American Eagle | Jeans : American Eagle | Boots : Forever21

You are not alone. The books “10% Happier” by Dan Harris, “I Thought It Was Just Me (but it isn’t)" by Brene Brown, “This May Sound Crazy” by Abigail Breslin, and a few close friends helped me realize this.

Secondly, cutting out caffeine helps immensely (yes I may have fooled you with many cups of decaf coffee in some of my IG pics).

American Eagle Outfitters | Katelyn Now

Finally, self-care such as meditation and exercise is EVERYTHING. For a few months I was doing a lot of running, but I found it to be so monotonous that it almost put me more in my own head. Since I’ve moved I’ve been doing weight training and plyometrics that force me to focus on the task at hand. I’ve also been practicing yoga and daily meditation (I realize I’ve gone a little over-board in the self-care department, but it feels good).

I guess the point of me sharing all this is because it can suck to be heavily in the social media game at times. My goal is just to stay true to my blog name and share whatever is going on in my life at the current moment. And that might mean I want to share about my personal struggles one day and my killer new boots the next. I hope you continue to follow along and can relate either way :) xx

American Eagle Outfitters | Katelyn Now


Beach Life

Beach Life